We’re N
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If you’re looking for an accounting firm, sure… we’re ready, willing and able. And you can get that from many firms.
But we’re not your average accounting firm. If you’re looking for true growth driven by opportunities that you may not have seen before, that’s us.
If you’re looking for business process improvement to drive this growth... That’s us too.
You need to depend on advisors who are TRUE partners in your business… vested in your success and ready to kick your butt into high gear.Learn more ➝

SG&C. A Different Kind of Accounting Firm
The name Samuel Goldstein & Company may sound like just another accounting firm but trust us we’re not. Our clients are forward thinking companies and individuals that want opinions as much as options, right next to expertise. Sometimes strong opinions, but always grounded in the deep knowledge of, and relationships with our clients. Part quants, part psychologists, we get to the heart of most financial and even operational matters, probing to find the alternatives that help our clients achieve goals. It’s the secret sauce that makes our clients remain our clients. The plain truth is that if you win, we win.Learn more ➝